


应邀担任国际大地测量协会(IAG)“实时电离层监测与建模”工作组及 “GNSS和低轨星座”工作组成员;欧洲地球科学联合会(EGU)优秀学生海报和口头报告专家评委;《Satellite Navigation》、《导航定位与授时》期刊青年编委;《IEEE TGRS》、《GPS solutions》、《Advances in Space Research》等多个SCI/EI期刊的审稿专家。













2022/02 至今 , 武汉大学测绘学院, 副教授

2020/01-2022/01, 武汉大学测绘学院,副研究员






  1. 《Satellite Navigation》、《导航定位与授时》期刊青年编委
  2. 国际大地测量协会(IAG)“GNSS和低轨卫星星座(GNSS and LEO Constellations)”工作组委员
  3. 国际大地测量协会(IAG)“实时电离层监测与建模(Real-time Ionosphere Monitoring and Modeling)”工作组委员
  4. 《IEEE TGRS》、《GPS solutions》、《Advances in Space Research》、《武汉大学学报-信息科学版》等期刊审稿人
  5. 欧洲地球科学联合会(EGU)优秀学生海报及PICO (OSPP)奖大赛评审人


  1. 中国科协“青年人才托举工程”支持计划,2021
  2. 卫星导航定位青年人才奖,2021
  3. 湖北省自然科学奖, 一等奖, 2020 (5/5)
  4. 卫星导航定位教学成果奖, 特等奖 ,2020 (13/15)
  5. 卫星导航定位科学技术奖,特等奖,2019(5/16),
  6. 测绘科技进步奖,一等奖,2012(14/15)


  1. Ren, X.,  Mei, D., Liu, H., Zhang, X.(*)(2022).  Investigation on Horizontal and Vertical Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Propagation in Global-Scale using GNSS and Multi-LEO satellites. Space Weather.
  2. Ren, X.,Yang, P., Liu, H., Chen, J., Zhang, X.(*) (2022). Deep Learning for Global Ionospheric TEC Forecasting: Different Approaches and Validation. Space Weather. 2022.05.
  3. Ren, X., Mei, D., Zhang, X.(*), Freeshah, M., Xiong, S. (2021). Electron Density Reconstruction by Ionospheric Tomography from the combination of GNSS and Upcoming LEO Constellations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2021.07.
  4. Ren, X., Zhang, J., Chen, J., Zhang, X.(*) (2021) . Ionospheric Modeling by using Multi-GNSS and upcoming LEO Constellations: Two Methods and Comparison, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-15
  5. Ren, X., Chen, J., Zhang, X.(*), & Yang, P(2020). Topside ionosphere of NeQuick2 and IRI‐2016 validated by using on‐board GPS observations from multiple LEO satellites. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,125(9), e2020JA027999.
  6. Ren, X., Chen, J., Zhang, X.(*), Schmidt, M., Li, X. & Zhang, J. (2020). Mapping topside ionospheric vertical electron content from multiple LEO satellites at different orbital altitudes. Journal of Geodesy, 94(9), 1-17.
  7. Ren, X., Chen, J., Li, X. & Zhang, X(*). (2020). Ionospheric Total Electron Content Estimation Using GNSS Carrier Phase Observations Based on Zero-Difference Integer Ambiguity: Methodology and Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-14.
  8. Ren, X., Chen, J., Li, X., Zhang, X.(*), & Freeshah, M. (2019). Performance evaluation of real-time global ionospheric maps provided by different IGS analysis centers. GPS Solutions, 23(4), 113.
  9. Ren, X.(*), Zhang, X., Schmidt, M., Zhao, Z., Chen, J., Zhang, J. & Li, X. (2020). Performance of GNSS Global Ionospheric Modeling Augmented by LEO Constellation. Earth and Space Science, 7(1), e2019EA000898.
  10. Ren, X.(*), Chen, J.(*), Li, X. & Zhang, X. (2020). Multi-GNSS contributions to differential code biases determination and regional ionospheric modeling in China. Advances in Space Research, 65(1), 221-234.



  1. Ren, X., Chen, J.,  et al., High-resolution and high-accuracy global ionosphere maps estimated by GNSS and LEO constellations: simulative and real data experimental results, EGU 2021, Vienna, Austria, 2021.4.25-2021.4.27
  2. Ren, X., Yang, P., Chen, J., Liu, H., Zhang, X., et al.,  Deep Learning for Global Ionospheric TEC Forecasting: Different Approaches and Validation, IAG 2021, Beijing, China, 2021.6.28-2021.7.2
  3. 任晓东等,联合GNSS和LEO星群的全球电离层精细建模及PPP-RTK定位应用, 中国北斗应用大会-海峡两岸暨港澳北斗应用论坛,中国郑州,2021.10.9-2021.10.12
  4. 张小红,任晓东等, PPP-RTK技术面临的机遇与挑战,第十二届中国卫星导航年会,中国南昌,2021.5.26-2021.5.28


  1. Ren, X.,Chen, J., Li, X., Zhang, X., Li, X., Schmidt, M.,. Total Electron Content (TEC) estimation and ionosphere monitoring using triple-frequency GPS/Galileo/BDS observations, IUGG 2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019.7.8-2019.7.18
  2. Ren, X., Zhao, Z., Zhang, X., Li, X., Schmidt, M., Assessment of ionosphere models from the combination of GNSS and LEO constellations, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019.4.7-2019.4.12


  1. Ren, X., Choy, S., Harima, K., Zhang, X., Multi-Constellation GNSS Precise Point Positioning using GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou in Australia, Proceedings of the International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Symposium (IGNSS), 2015, Queensland, Australia, 2015.7.14-2015.7.16